Weight Loss
without Dieting!
Neil Wood-Gaiger BSc (Hons) Psych; Ad Dip CP; Dip Hyp CS; MBPsS; MCS (Acc); MHS
Hypnotherapist ~ Psychotherapist ~ Counsellor

Weight Loss Reduction ~ Taunton Glastonbury Hypnotherapy  Psychotherapy

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A large number of people undergo some form of treatment to attempt to reduce their weight, usually either in an attempt to improve their health, to improve their lifestyle, or for cosmetic reasons. Generally the treatment for being overweight is a controlled diet in conjunction with physical exercise.

However, studies indicate whilst that dieting alone may have short-term benefits, it does not lead to lasting weight loss, and can often results regaining all of the lost weight and more in the longer term.

It is generally accepted that the benefits of weight loss for overweight people can reduce their health risks and improve their quality of life, however, for individuals, repeatedly losing weight and then regaining it back (yo-yo dieting), does more harm than good and can be the cause of additional health problems caused by the loss of more muscle than fat.

Hypnotherapy for weight reduction is not based on deprivation

You wont be asked to give things up but to reassess your eating habits.
Suggestions are made so you can reprogram yourself into eating healthily, which also includes taking pride in your well-being, your body and your general appearance.

Its about feeling good about yourself!

Hypnotherapy involves looking at what motivated you to eat unhealthily, helping you to understand you situation and change your current detrimental overeating behaviour to one of healthy eating and regular exercise.

If you are interested in a group session in Taunton for weight loss please email me and I will let you know when the next group is due to start.

Neil Wood-Gaiger. is an experienced therapist specialising in weight reduction through mental visualisation and hypnotherapy.


To book your FREE initial consultation call Neil anytime on 07968 465933
or email any questions to neil@woodgaiger.co.uk


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Neil Wood-Gaiger Counselling Hypnotherapy Taunton Glastonbury Somerset
Practice address
Rowan Cottage
130 Wells Road
Tel: 07968 465933 (mobile)
Email: neil@woodgaiger.co.uk


The British Psychology Society Member Insured with Holistic Services Insurance
National Hypnotherapy Society Member

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